Privicy Policy
Your privacy is very important to Tripixe (Inc.). This privacy policy outlines the information we collect from all of our visitors and customers, and also what we prohibit ourselves from taking. Please read this privacy policy carefully before entering into a contract with Tripixe.
Introduction. Tripixe collects varying degrees of information from both visitors and customers. This information is used for the sole purpose of customizing your internet experience and performing market analyses. We do not sell your information to third parties.
Registration. During the registration process, customers give personal information (Name, Address, Phone number, E-mail, etc.). This information is used solely for the purposes of identifying our customers and performing research involving our marketing trends.
Domain Registration. From a legal standpoint, domain information has to be available to the general internet public. Since domain name registration information is available to the public, anyone can access it through "WHOIS" searches. The WHOIS database is a publicly accessible database that lists the domain name and contact information of each registrant. The domain name registration you provide is hosted by us to the public. At times our customers may have been included within searches of the WHOIS database. However, the SPAM they receive does not in any way come from Tripixe.
Web Site Design/Programming. For our customers who choose to partake in our web design and coding services, there are special privacy requirements. Often, we are given confidential information which we use for the sole purpose of creating the site. This information will never be released to the public unless deemed necessary by the client, and will not be sold to third parties.
Revisions to This Policy. This privacy policy may, from time to time, be altered as Tripixe sees fit.